Slut Wife Cuckold

Cuckold Fantasies Phone Sex (800)356-6201


A Very Slutty Wife and a Cuckold

Women always put extra emphasis on everything we do- we can’t help it. We love extravagant things and we like to go all out every chance we get. Contrary to popular belief, women think about, talk about, and want sex more than men. In fact, women have a seductive way of adding sex appeal to any situation. It is our seductive charm that usually ignites our extreme sexual behaviors that are not often explored.

Slut Wives are Entitled to Cuckold Their Husband…

Some women, especially wives, have been fed a lie that they are supposed to only have one sexual partner. This works for some wives, but what about those whose only sexual partner is not sexually satisfying? Are they supposed to suffer for the rest of their life? Absolutely not. Just because one man may not be satisfying does not mean all the others will be the same. This is why wives need options. Having options increases a woman’s chance of true sexual gratification. Multiple options means the gratification will cum sooner than later and extreme cuckolding definitely speeds up the process.

Cuckolding gives wives, who would otherwise be stuck with men who don’t meet their sexual expectations, the real sex her body craves. No woman wants to be bored or even dread the thought of having sex. And if the options are slim, (or just too small), there’s a pretty good chance of that happening except with extreme cuckolding. Having multiple partners eliminates those risk and ensures that sex will be pleasurable for her every time.

The Transformation of the Slut Wife

Something funny usually happens when wives realize that there are men, other than their husbands, who are actually capable of pleasing them sexually: they want to make sure these men know that she is available to be pleased. She will start dressing more revealing; wearing shorter skirts and tighter/lower tops. She wants to make sure that her hair and make-up is always flawless in case she runs into one of these men while she’s out. She will even start going out more so that men will be able to see exactly how beautiful and sexy she is. This is when she starts to let down her guard and starts appreciating that there are men who actually have something that she wants, and she embraces her new role as the hot wife.

Once a “by the book” wife experiences her first cuckolding experience, it sometimes triggers what I like to call her inner “slut” that all women carry but so few ever explore. Now once a woman’s inner slut is revealed, its like she begins to crave sex in ways she has never imagined.

Slut Wives get Horny Too – VERY Horny!

Sexual cravings vary from woman to woman but they are intensified in “slut wives” who usually have only one sexual outlet. Instead of feeling as though sex will be the same for the rest of their lives, through cuckolding, slut wives see the endless possibility to having mind boggling sex any and every time they want. No longer do they feel obligated to entertain the thought of having “vanilla sex” with their husbands. They develop a new appreciation for real sex and the men who measure up become their sexual objects.

Slut wives have a lot of built up sexual frustration they enjoy releasing on men who are capable of handling them. Does that mean they settle for the first cock that gives them an orgasm? No. Slut wives understand that all men are different and so are orgasms. Since they will never have a real orgasm with their husbands, one is never enough. They have to explore as many men as possible to ensure that they are not being held behind sexually.

Extreme cuckolding allows slut wives the ability to make up for time wasted in sexual relationships where her needs were never considered. Instead of being stuck with one man whose sexual performance is less than average, slut wives can have many men (sometimes all at once) to satisfy her various sexual desires.

We all enjoy having options and slut wives enjoy having many partners (the more the better). Men and orgasms are like shoes for slut wives, they always need more than one pair.


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